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Sami Greenmax Landscape Pvt. Ltd. one of India’s leading landscape services providing company and having more than 30 years of experiences in production of vast varieties of indoor and out door plants. Greenmax is integrated landscape company offering designing, execution and maintenance of commercial and residential landscape projects all over India.

Greenmax has successfully accomplished countless prestigious projects all over India of residential & commercial buildings, institutions, malls, hospitals, hotels and roads etc. we have earned high reputation as India’s premier landscape consultancy company.

Moreover, Sami Greenmax is having more than three decade experience in plant production, maintenance and sales. Company is having its own production units in Gajraula, Uttar Pradesh, rating among top nurseries in north India. Greenmax producing and supplying more than 350 species of trees, shrubs, ground covers palms and indoor plants for landscape projects. Our own production ensures constant supply of high quality plants at reasonable prices.

Above all, Floratech Landscape Pvt. Ltd. a subsidiary company of Floratech International is our ‘joint venture’ partner, a reputed company based in New Delhi. Floratech is one of pioneer landscaping companies, and having more than 20 years of national and international experiences. Company has a well
organized team of highly qualified and experienced horticulturist, engineers, supervisors and technicians.

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